An earthquake measuring 6.8 on the Richter scale shook the island. The quake was centered at a depth of 10 kilometers from the sea surface.
The information reported by the Meteorology and Geophysics (BMKG) states that an earthquake measuring 6.8 magnitude occurred at about 10:16 pm in Nusa Dua, Bali,Thursday, October 13, 2011.
Epicenter is in a location known to 9.89 south latitude and 114.53 east longitude. Epicenter was located at a distance of 143 kilometers southwest direction, Nusa Dua, Bali.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Is the Earth causing an explosion in an earthquake, or vice versa?
Actually this question is posed by the opinion of Western scholars about the Continents drifting that are constantly moving. With this theory they have been aware of any earthquake million times every year on this planet. But they forget that the skin of the Earth has been very strong in fact rigorously very tight, therefore lies the sea water two-thirds of the entire surface as are people not afraid to sail anywhere without feeling the landslide will fall into the bowels of the Earth.
Continental Drift with full description as a theory, first published by Alfred Wegener, meteorological Germany, in 1912. He explained that once approximately 200 million years ago the continent of Pangaea had split, each split into several continents to date and its islands. Unfortunately he did not explain the disintegration of Pangaea , hence the theory is not complete as it is said, but the emotion that caused the alleged shaped by circumstances and experiences that befall. He's just based on the shape of continents that ultimately fit connected, as well as fossils and animals that almost simultaneously on the continents. Until now the Earth's lands are still moving and causing catastrophic earthquakes and death.
There're 1,200 seismograph stations that recorded 500 000 shocks each year on Earth, of which 100,000 can be heard and felt the population, and 1,000 times have been disastrous. Four and five earthquakes around the Pacific force while others are around India, the Mediterranean and Atlantic.
But in I950 there arose a great challenge among geophysicists to continental drift theory on the grounds that the skin of the Earth at the bottom of the ocean has been very loud and strong that it does not allow entry into force of the continents shift. But in 1960, broke again to defend the opinion of Alfred Wegener's theory by arguing that strengthen annotations.
A clear shift in the position of the continents is called continental drift had no compelling reason and logic unacceptable reasonable, because the distance between each of the continents and islands are so far away, some even thousands of miles. Plus the Earth's surface is composed of 2 per 3 oceans rather than land.
Now we return to the question, whether the explosion that caused the earthquake or an earthquake caused an explosion?
The answer is that both are the same, the quake caused the explosion also caused the earthquake itself. The problem is the cause of both. People divide the two kinds of earthquakes, which is caused by tectonic movements of the Earth's strata, and volcanic eruptions caused by the mountain. Tectonic earthquake is just a continuation of the theory of Continental Drift is no good reason, while volcanic earthquake is the result of akfitivas magma within the Earth, up to carrying up to a million times smaller large earthquakes in one year.
Continental Drift with full description as a theory, first published by Alfred Wegener, meteorological Germany, in 1912. He explained that once approximately 200 million years ago the continent of Pangaea had split, each split into several continents to date and its islands. Unfortunately he did not explain the disintegration of Pangaea , hence the theory is not complete as it is said, but the emotion that caused the alleged shaped by circumstances and experiences that befall. He's just based on the shape of continents that ultimately fit connected, as well as fossils and animals that almost simultaneously on the continents. Until now the Earth's lands are still moving and causing catastrophic earthquakes and death.
There're 1,200 seismograph stations that recorded 500 000 shocks each year on Earth, of which 100,000 can be heard and felt the population, and 1,000 times have been disastrous. Four and five earthquakes around the Pacific force while others are around India, the Mediterranean and Atlantic.
But in I950 there arose a great challenge among geophysicists to continental drift theory on the grounds that the skin of the Earth at the bottom of the ocean has been very loud and strong that it does not allow entry into force of the continents shift. But in 1960, broke again to defend the opinion of Alfred Wegener's theory by arguing that strengthen annotations.
A clear shift in the position of the continents is called continental drift had no compelling reason and logic unacceptable reasonable, because the distance between each of the continents and islands are so far away, some even thousands of miles. Plus the Earth's surface is composed of 2 per 3 oceans rather than land.
Now we return to the question, whether the explosion that caused the earthquake or an earthquake caused an explosion?
The answer is that both are the same, the quake caused the explosion also caused the earthquake itself. The problem is the cause of both. People divide the two kinds of earthquakes, which is caused by tectonic movements of the Earth's strata, and volcanic eruptions caused by the mountain. Tectonic earthquake is just a continuation of the theory of Continental Drift is no good reason, while volcanic earthquake is the result of akfitivas magma within the Earth, up to carrying up to a million times smaller large earthquakes in one year.
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Small earthquakes do not always mean the introduction of a major earthquake.
A small earthquake could be triggered by human activities such as filling the reservoir and the injection of liquid into the wells to improve oil quality and waste. Recorded several cases in several U.S. territories, Canada, Japan and India.
The biggest earthquake occurred in Chile on 22 May 1960, with the strength of 9.5 on the Richter scale. Seismic waves shaken the earth for days, this phenomenon is called with earth free Oscillation.
Seismoscope first pendulum to measure the vibrations of the earth during an earthquake is made in the year 1751.
1855, the fault was first recognized as a source of the earthquake.
Hypocenter earthquake is the location below the earth's surface where the fracture begins to crack.
The earthquake epicenter is the location right above the hypocenter on the surface of the Earth.
It is estimated that every year 500,000 detectable earthquakes in the world. As many as 100,000 of them can be felt, and 100 of them cause damage.
Magnitude quake measured based on the size of the earthquake. In the measurement of vibration is felt everywhere, magnitudenya is the same.
Earthquake intensity is measured by the vibration caused by the earthquake. The numbers vary at each location affected by the earthquake effects.
There was no earthquake due to weather.
Most earthquakes occur at depths of less than 80 km below the Earth's surface.
The earliest recorded earthquake in full is the earthquake in Shandong, China in 1831 BC. Note pickup began in 780 BC during the reign of Zhou Dynasty in China.
Aristotle in 350 BC found that the soft surface to shake harder than the hard surface during an earthquake.
In 1760 British engineer John Michell recorded earthquakes are caused by the shifting masses of rock below the surface.
Most earthquake waves have a frequency of less than 20 Hz. So a human audible roar is the sound of objects that are shaken.
A small earthquake could be triggered by human activities such as filling the reservoir and the injection of liquid into the wells to improve oil quality and waste. Recorded several cases in several U.S. territories, Canada, Japan and India.
The biggest earthquake occurred in Chile on 22 May 1960, with the strength of 9.5 on the Richter scale. Seismic waves shaken the earth for days, this phenomenon is called with earth free Oscillation.
Seismoscope first pendulum to measure the vibrations of the earth during an earthquake is made in the year 1751.
1855, the fault was first recognized as a source of the earthquake.
Hypocenter earthquake is the location below the earth's surface where the fracture begins to crack.
The earthquake epicenter is the location right above the hypocenter on the surface of the Earth.
It is estimated that every year 500,000 detectable earthquakes in the world. As many as 100,000 of them can be felt, and 100 of them cause damage.
Magnitude quake measured based on the size of the earthquake. In the measurement of vibration is felt everywhere, magnitudenya is the same.
Earthquake intensity is measured by the vibration caused by the earthquake. The numbers vary at each location affected by the earthquake effects.
There was no earthquake due to weather.
Most earthquakes occur at depths of less than 80 km below the Earth's surface.
The earliest recorded earthquake in full is the earthquake in Shandong, China in 1831 BC. Note pickup began in 780 BC during the reign of Zhou Dynasty in China.
Aristotle in 350 BC found that the soft surface to shake harder than the hard surface during an earthquake.
In 1760 British engineer John Michell recorded earthquakes are caused by the shifting masses of rock below the surface.
Most earthquake waves have a frequency of less than 20 Hz. So a human audible roar is the sound of objects that are shaken.
Plate Tectonic Theory
Plate Tectonic Theory is a theory in the field of geology which was developed to provide an explanation for the existence of evidence of large-scale movements performed by the Earth's lithosphere. This theory has been included and also replaced the Continental Drift Theory which first put forward in the first half of the 20th century and the concept of seafloor spreading developed in the 1960s.
The outer portion of Earth's interior is formed from two layers. At the top there is the lithosphere consists of crust and upper mantle of a rigid and dense. Under the layers of the lithosphere there is asthenosphere its shaped solid but can flow like a liquid with a very slow and the geological timescale is very long because the viscosity and shear strength (shear strength) is low. Deeper, the mantle below the asthenosphere to be more rigid nature again. The cause is not a cooler temperature, but high pressure.
Layers of the lithosphere is divided into tectonic plates (Tectonic plates). On earth, there are seven major plates and many plates are smaller. These lithospheric plates ride on the asthenosphere. They are moving relative to each other at plate boundaries, both divergent (away), convergent (collide), or transform (sideways). Earthquakes, volcanic activity, mountain formation, and formation of oceanic trenches are all generally occurs in areas along plate boundaries. The lateral movement of the plates is typically 50-100mm / year.
The outer portion of Earth's interior is formed from two layers. At the top there is the lithosphere consists of crust and upper mantle of a rigid and dense. Under the layers of the lithosphere there is asthenosphere its shaped solid but can flow like a liquid with a very slow and the geological timescale is very long because the viscosity and shear strength (shear strength) is low. Deeper, the mantle below the asthenosphere to be more rigid nature again. The cause is not a cooler temperature, but high pressure.
Layers of the lithosphere is divided into tectonic plates (Tectonic plates). On earth, there are seven major plates and many plates are smaller. These lithospheric plates ride on the asthenosphere. They are moving relative to each other at plate boundaries, both divergent (away), convergent (collide), or transform (sideways). Earthquakes, volcanic activity, mountain formation, and formation of oceanic trenches are all generally occurs in areas along plate boundaries. The lateral movement of the plates is typically 50-100mm / year.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
The Cause of Earth’s Largest Environmental Catastrophe
Siberian Traps and their relation to the mass extinction 250 million years ago.
Wow this is quite interesting article to read posted by GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences.
The eruption of giant masses of magma in Siberia 250 million years ago led to the Permo-Triassic mass extinction when more than 90 % of all species became extinct. An international team including geodynamic modelers from the GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences together with geochemists from the J. Fourier University of Grenoble, the Max Plank Institute in Mainz, and Vernadsky-, Schmidt- and Sobolev-Institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences report on a new idea with respect to the origin of the Siberian eruptions and their relation to the mass extinction in the recent issue of Nature (15.09.2011, vol. 477, p. 312-316).
For detail here
Animated model of the lithosphere destruction by the mantle plume
Seismic Waves
Seismic Waves
Seismic waves come in several types as shown below:
Primary (they arrive first), Pressure, or Push-Pull.
Material expands and contracts in volume and particles move back and forth in the path of the wave.
P-waves are essentially sound waves and travel through solids, liquids or gases.Ships at sea off the California coast in 1906 felt the earthquake when the P-wave traveled through the water and struck the ship (generally the crews thought they had struck a sandbar).
Secondary (arrive later), Shear, or Side-to-side.
Material does not change volume but shears out of shape and snaps back.Particle motion is at right angles to the path of the wave.Since the material has to be able to "remember" its shape, S-waves travel only through solids.
Surface Waves
Several types, travel along the earth's surface or on layer boundaries in the earth.
The slowest waves but the ones that do the damage in large earthquakes.
Seismic waves come in several types as shown below:
Primary (they arrive first), Pressure, or Push-Pull.
Material expands and contracts in volume and particles move back and forth in the path of the wave.
P-waves are essentially sound waves and travel through solids, liquids or gases.Ships at sea off the California coast in 1906 felt the earthquake when the P-wave traveled through the water and struck the ship (generally the crews thought they had struck a sandbar).
Secondary (arrive later), Shear, or Side-to-side.
Material does not change volume but shears out of shape and snaps back.Particle motion is at right angles to the path of the wave.Since the material has to be able to "remember" its shape, S-waves travel only through solids.
Surface Waves
Several types, travel along the earth's surface or on layer boundaries in the earth.
The slowest waves but the ones that do the damage in large earthquakes.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Earthquake News on Social Media
I heard about the unfortunate disaster in Japan not from switching on the TV, but from signing into my Twitter account and discovering the trending topics section which had been entirely consumed with Western city names, #prayforJapan, #tsunami and more. I learned from the enters of these trending topics that there had been a devastating temblor that hit Japan, causing a tsunami that washed away homes, cars and memories.
That's almost people all around the world knew in a realtime before tv news did..the power of social media told the world what was happened during that time in a I will list here twitter account regarding earthquake information:
Twitter list :
I will update this twitter list soon..
That's almost people all around the world knew in a realtime before tv news did..the power of social media told the world what was happened during that time in a I will list here twitter account regarding earthquake information:
Twitter list :
I will update this twitter list soon..
Animal Behaviour And Earthquake
The belief that animals can predict earthquakes has been around for hundreds of years.
In 373 B.C., historians recorded that animals, including rats, snakes and weasels, deserted the Greek city of Helice in droves just days before a earthquake devastated the place.
Accounts of similar animal anticipation of earthquakes have surfaced across the actual centuries since. Catfish moving violently, chickens that stop laying eggs and bees leaving your hive in an anxiety have been reported. Countless pet owners claimed to have witnessed their very own cats and canine acting strangely before the ground shook—barking
or whining for not any apparent reason, or even showing signs of nervousness and restlessness.
But precisely what animals sense, if they come to feel anything at all, is a mystery. One theory is that nuts and domestic beings feel the Earth vibrate before humans. Other ideas suggest they detect electrical changes in mid-air or gas released from the Earth.
Earthquakes are a sudden way. Seismologists have not knowing exactly when or where the next one will success. An estimated 500,000 detectable quakes occur in the world each year. Of persons, 100,000 could be felt by humans, and 100 cause damage.
One of the globe's most earthquake-prone countries is Japan, where devastation has taken countless lives and caused enormous damage to property. Researchers there have long studied animals in hopes of discovering what they have to hear or feel before the Earth shakes in order to use that good sense as a anticipation tool.
So begin now to build awareness about this theory ..watching your pet if there's strange attitude on them
In 373 B.C., historians recorded that animals, including rats, snakes and weasels, deserted the Greek city of Helice in droves just days before a earthquake devastated the place.
Accounts of similar animal anticipation of earthquakes have surfaced across the actual centuries since. Catfish moving violently, chickens that stop laying eggs and bees leaving your hive in an anxiety have been reported. Countless pet owners claimed to have witnessed their very own cats and canine acting strangely before the ground shook—barking
But precisely what animals sense, if they come to feel anything at all, is a mystery. One theory is that nuts and domestic beings feel the Earth vibrate before humans. Other ideas suggest they detect electrical changes in mid-air or gas released from the Earth.
Earthquakes are a sudden way. Seismologists have not knowing exactly when or where the next one will success. An estimated 500,000 detectable quakes occur in the world each year. Of persons, 100,000 could be felt by humans, and 100 cause damage.
One of the globe's most earthquake-prone countries is Japan, where devastation has taken countless lives and caused enormous damage to property. Researchers there have long studied animals in hopes of discovering what they have to hear or feel before the Earth shakes in order to use that good sense as a anticipation tool.
So begin now to build awareness about this theory ..watching your pet if there's strange attitude on them
Earthquakes on the Rise
Earthquakes on the Rise?
By Thomas Ajava
We like to suggest that we know massive amounts of things about the planet we live on, but every once shortly Mother Nature reminds us who is in charge. The recent spate of earthquakes certainly is such an instance and raises ab muscles real question of whether we are entering a time of increased seismic activity and, if so, what it means.
You and i also have never met, but we may have shared a very surreal experience a few weeks back. I sat there on any weekend transfixed after the massive earthquake in Chile occurred. What were we both probably watching? Whether there was going to be considered a monstrous tsunami in Hawaii. It was so surreal that it was almost funny. I'll even admit I was disappointed at initial when nothing much happen until I realized that a lot of people would have lost a lot of things.
While a slave to, it also occurred to me that there have been a ton of earthquakes lately. Haiti was obviously a massive tremor the fact that devastated the country. Most people think Chile was the next big one, but it was not. There was a magnitude five.0 earthquake off the shore of Japan. Then we Chile rolls through with numbers that haven't been seen in a long time at a staggering 8.8 on the Richter Scale. This, of course, has been followed by the earthquake in Turkey measuring "only" 5.5 that has killed at least 50 people at last count and the count has only started.
The somewhat obvious question facing us is whether earthquakes are on the rise? Well, earthquakes are the result of shifts in fault lines, particularly in subduction zones where one plate slides below another. Most scientist have argued that there has been a slight boost in the last 15 years, but the current spate of tremors is just a coincidence. Is this true? Well, it would are generally. The major earthquakes that have occurred are not on the same fault lines. Only Chile and Japan are in the call of fire. Haiti is its own area. Turkey is dramatic, but it has always been subject to significant tremors much for example California has.
Is the world coming to an end or undergoing some major shift? Not likely. Then again, 2012 is only just around the corner!
Monday, September 19, 2011
Common toads can detect earthquakes
Common toads can detect earthquakes
Toads are some of nature's most resilient creatures making them favorite subject matter of studies. One associated with such studies found out there that toads have natural seismic sensors as very well as the ability to be able to detect volcanic eruptions days to weeks before.
This finding had been noticed in Italy, times before an earthquake struck L'Aquila in 2009. Frequent toads left their colony three days before your earthquake, with breeding sets and mates together. This kind of happened, despite the undeniable fact that the colony was 74 miles away from the actual epicenter of the tremble, according to biologists exactly who published their studies within the Journal of Zoology. How these creatures knew upfront is still the dilemma many biologists are searching for.
There had been scientific studies with domestic animals and exactly how they respond to this kind of impending natural calamities while earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. However, studies on wild animals, their reactions, and the way they sensed earthquakes are more difficult.
Other wild animals ended up studied including fish, rodents, and snakes but they tend to react so soon before the actual occasion, unlike the common toads. The biologist whom noticed this reaction by toads, Dr. Rachel Allow, had been monitoring the behaviour of the colony of toads on a regular basis even before the actual earthquake struck. Her review included a 29-day period of info gathering before, during, in addition to after the earthquake. The large earthquake had a degree of 6.3 inside Richter scale.
The first noticeable fact five days to weeks before the earthquake was the disappearance of in relation to 4% of the men population, which is impossible in common toads given that males normally stay active in large numbers after they have bred until your spawning is finished. During those times, spawning has not nevertheless even began, demanding interest from Dr. Grant. Also, no weather-related affair would have caused this disappearance. Although there were spawns found 6 times before and 6 times after the earthquake time period--the time between the primary shock to the previous aftershock--there were absolutely no spawns found during these times itself.
Just how precisely these toads detect seismic activity is not nevertheless established. The study regarding Dr. Grant was the initial of its kind to record wild animal behaviour before, during, and soon after an earthquake.
The unexpected shift of common toads' behavior happened through the disruptions deep within the earth's ionosphere, which the experts detected using VLF (very low frequency) radio title of. Earth scientists link these kind of changes in this level to the release connected with radon gas, or the law of gravity waves, before the occasion. However, during the L'Aquila quake Dr. Give could not determine the thing that was the real cause from the disruptions in the ionosphere. This made her believe that the toads detected pre-seismal activities ahead of period.
Ants do not care about earthquakes
In a entirely opposite result, the wasteland harvester ants of Mojave Desert was not affected by a 7.4 magnitude quake that attack the area in the midst of the study. There wasn't any discernable change behavior whatsoever before, during, and following your quake. They continued to accomplish their daily business forgetful to the destructive electricity of their surroundings.
Earthquake-Proof Your Vacation Residence
Earthquake-Proof Your Vacation Residence
By Steve Ezer
If you own a second home in an area that is known to experience earthquakes, there are precautions you should take whenever you are away from the property.
Whenever an earthquake gets into the four to five range on the Richter Scale, and we've had our fair share here in Palm Desert, California, we see damage to houses and the property inside those homes. We see cracked drywall, cracked tiles, soffits that come apart, objects that fall out of cabinets, and furniture that topples over. That's why I recommend these precautionary tips that can be taken to prepare your vacation residence:
- Safety latches - Safety latches can be installed on all cabinet doors, particularly in the kitchen, to keep dishes, glasses, barware, etc. from falling out and breaking.
- Bathroom - Remove glass bottles/containers from medicine cabinet(s) and shelves to a lower level in the bathroom.
- Museum Putty - Placing earthquake hold material on the underside of all items on shelves will help prevent pottery, decorative glass, vases, statues and figurines from sliding to the ground and breaking.
- Repositioning Breakables - If you are absent from your home for long periods of time lower hanging mirrors to the floor, temporarily remove artwork from the walls, remove sconces from chandeliers, place lamps, vases or decorative pieces that rest on a pedestal on the ground and cover any objects with plastic.
- Secure to Walls - Either secure to your walls or lay down any free standing furniture with narrow bases (e.g. grandfather clocks), etageres, large urns or vases, floor lamps and large plants.
- Water Heaters - Inspect water heaters to insure earthquake straps are in place and that they are adjusted and secured properly.
- Shutoff Valves - Consider installing an automatic shutoff valve on your gas line and attach a wrench to open the valve if it is shut off.
- Valuables Inventory - Create a digital image inventory record of household contents or any items that you determine that are of value for insurance purposes.
- Flammable Liquids - Remove all flammable liquids such as painting and cleaning products to your garage or outside storage area. Clean or dispose of rags that are used with the previously mentioned products.
- Earthquake Insurance - Consider purchasing earthquake insurance. It can be expensive, but can be well worth it.
- Arrange for Inspections - Premier Residential Services inspects each client's property for damage, including cracked pipes or shifted water heaters, after earthquakes. Find a property management service that will do the same, or have a trusted neighbor look in.
- Other Suggestions - Keep an ample supply of bottled water, a portable radio & batteries, a supply of cash, matches, a first aid kit and canned food to insure that in the event that something does occur, the first several days after the event you will be able to deal with being without the support of outside help.
Charles Darwin Earthquakes Theory
Charles Darwin Earthquakes Theory - Did He Predict Chile's Latest 8.8?
We all know about Charles Darwin because of his Theory of Evolution through natural selection. But, what you may not know is something I have just learned thanks to National Public Radio: Darwin helped forecast the most recent devastating earthquake in Chile.
This famous naturalist is being credited with giving current scientists and seismologists a better understanding of the warning signs of impending temblors.
On February 20, 1835, Darwin felt an earthquake in Valdivia, Chile during his voyage on the ship, the Beagle. His geological studies and observations helped scientists to forecast the Chilean earthquake that happened last February 27, 2010.
As Darwin visited Chile, he had the perfectly opportune chance to witness the 1835 earthquake first-hand. It destroyed the city of Concepcion and altered the country's landscape. The quake's magnitude is estimated to have been 8.5.
He visited the same area a few years later to make further observations. One thing he had noticed during his original visit was a rotten smell in the air.
He now realized it was from sea life being washed up on shore and being deprived of its watery confines. He also determined that this was not due to the earthquake causing the ocean level to lower from draining. Rather, it was the radical shifting of the Earth's surface that caused the new sea level thus leaving "fish out of water." He noticed a very transformed landscape all around the area.
Darwin observations have led scientists to realize that "a fault segment that has ruptured in a large quake in the past will, once enough strain has again accumulated, likely fail again in a similar-size earthquake (from ScienceNow)." I doubt most people know what an impact Darwin's experiences and observations with earthquakes have on their modern-day study and understanding. I certainly had no clue.
Because of Darwin's work, scientists knew another quake similar to the one Darwin experienced would hit Chili again at some point in time. Obviously, they were correct. The 8.8 quake was a result of pressure building along the same fault since 1835, seismologists believe. Because earthquakes continually strike the same areas in similar fashion, what Darwin observed and theorized has given us a launching pad to a much better understanding of the entire specter of earthquakes.
While no one can predict exactly where and when a quake will occur, we now have a much better idea of how to arrive at an in-the-ballpark-style prediction.
Charles Darwin has left yet another gargantuan scientific legacy which the world somehow never got wind of...until now.
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Their Cause and Devastating Effect
Earthquakes - Their Cause and Devastating Effect
By Karel Kosman
More than one million earthquakes occur on the earth every year. A large majority of earthquakes will go unnoticed by most people because of their slight magnitude.
On the other hand, some earthquakes are very strong and cause considerable damage. According to the distance from the earthquake epicentre, we have local earthquakes (in the region of the quake), near earthquakes (less than 1.000 km away), remote earthquakes (roughly up to 10.000 km), and so on. Concerning the magnitude, the earthquakes are described as slight, moderate, great, and very great (global catastrophe).
In the past, people believed that an earthquake was a sign from gods, bringing punishment or announcing the end of the world. However, earthquakes are natural movements of the earth's surface. When they occur on the ocean floor, they are called ocean or submarine earthquakes. Ground motion is produced by seismic waves, which transmit the tension generated in the interior of the earth. The tension is generated for many years as a result of gradual deformation of rocks, and finally produces fracturing of a part of the earth's mantle.
The place where the shocks originate is called hypocentre. Directly above the hypocentre, on the surface, is the epicentre. Concentric vibrations spread from the hypocentre throughout the earth's body. These are the earthquakes or seismic waves. "Seismos" is a Greek word meaning shock.
The strongest shocks are found near the epicentre. They are measured and evaluated by instruments and observation. The most important instrument for measuring and studying earthquakes is the seismograph. It registers the generated waves.
In order to obtain the most exact results, a seismograph (after its installation) should have a minimal contact with the earth's surface, otherwise it may register permanent earth movements. The seismographs are therefore isolated from underground movements by being hung on springs or joints. The distance from the hypocentre is determined using seismic travel-time curve.
This is done by compiling the data concerning the moment of the arrival of various types of waves at various times recorded by a number of seismographic sites. The distance from the epicentre is then calculated based on the available information. Today, all this is done using the most advanced computer technology.
Once the epicentre is located, the intensity of the quake is measured in units of magnitude. This scale was developed in 1935 by a Californian seismologist, Charles Richter. Measuring of the intensity of the earthquake on the basis of the observed shocks, which provides information concerning its subjective force, is done using Mercalli scale.
When we look closely at regions where many earthquakes have occurred in recent years, we see that region which is most prone to earthquakes is at the edges of the continental plates of South and North America, the region of the Pacific Ocean, South Asia, and southern Europe. The north of Europe, the interior of Australia, and Africa, as well as some oceans (with the exception of the ocean ridges) are almost free of earthquakes. As yet, there is no single explanation for shocks occurring in plates, where the earth's crust is considered stable. It is assumed that the stress on the edges of these plates generates pressure in the middle of these formations, which may cause earthquakes at "weak points."
Earthquake hypocentres are most common in the depths of 0 to 70 kilometres. Less common are earthquakes having hypocentres in great depths, of up to 700 kilometres. These occur mainly where due to slow drift of the tectonic plates the crust of plate edges is pushed down, as is the case, for example, of the South American Andes.
On the other hand, some earthquakes are very strong and cause considerable damage. According to the distance from the earthquake epicentre, we have local earthquakes (in the region of the quake), near earthquakes (less than 1.000 km away), remote earthquakes (roughly up to 10.000 km), and so on. Concerning the magnitude, the earthquakes are described as slight, moderate, great, and very great (global catastrophe).
In the past, people believed that an earthquake was a sign from gods, bringing punishment or announcing the end of the world. However, earthquakes are natural movements of the earth's surface. When they occur on the ocean floor, they are called ocean or submarine earthquakes. Ground motion is produced by seismic waves, which transmit the tension generated in the interior of the earth. The tension is generated for many years as a result of gradual deformation of rocks, and finally produces fracturing of a part of the earth's mantle.
The place where the shocks originate is called hypocentre. Directly above the hypocentre, on the surface, is the epicentre. Concentric vibrations spread from the hypocentre throughout the earth's body. These are the earthquakes or seismic waves. "Seismos" is a Greek word meaning shock.
The strongest shocks are found near the epicentre. They are measured and evaluated by instruments and observation. The most important instrument for measuring and studying earthquakes is the seismograph. It registers the generated waves.
In order to obtain the most exact results, a seismograph (after its installation) should have a minimal contact with the earth's surface, otherwise it may register permanent earth movements. The seismographs are therefore isolated from underground movements by being hung on springs or joints. The distance from the hypocentre is determined using seismic travel-time curve.
This is done by compiling the data concerning the moment of the arrival of various types of waves at various times recorded by a number of seismographic sites. The distance from the epicentre is then calculated based on the available information. Today, all this is done using the most advanced computer technology.
Once the epicentre is located, the intensity of the quake is measured in units of magnitude. This scale was developed in 1935 by a Californian seismologist, Charles Richter. Measuring of the intensity of the earthquake on the basis of the observed shocks, which provides information concerning its subjective force, is done using Mercalli scale.
When we look closely at regions where many earthquakes have occurred in recent years, we see that region which is most prone to earthquakes is at the edges of the continental plates of South and North America, the region of the Pacific Ocean, South Asia, and southern Europe. The north of Europe, the interior of Australia, and Africa, as well as some oceans (with the exception of the ocean ridges) are almost free of earthquakes. As yet, there is no single explanation for shocks occurring in plates, where the earth's crust is considered stable. It is assumed that the stress on the edges of these plates generates pressure in the middle of these formations, which may cause earthquakes at "weak points."
Earthquake hypocentres are most common in the depths of 0 to 70 kilometres. Less common are earthquakes having hypocentres in great depths, of up to 700 kilometres. These occur mainly where due to slow drift of the tectonic plates the crust of plate edges is pushed down, as is the case, for example, of the South American Andes.
Financial Earthquake Prevention
Financial Earthquake Prevention
By Paul Peshkov
It has been said that from 1994 Northridge earthquake, human losses was more than what experienced during the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. Recent estimates have shown that national earthquake financial loss from earthquake is about $5.6 billion a year. Devastation of the earthquake not only takes precious life but destroys business world as well. A very important business concept can be drawn from engineering structural stable buildings. Let us see if we can use an allegory by introducing concepts from the engineering world.
Earthquake design is more looked in the West Coast and in Alaska, where regions is more likely to have such a life changing force, compare to other locations in our country. When designing building in this region, geotechnical earthquake engineering is a field that contributes to the building design extensively.
The main step, when designing our building in this area, is to determine the dynamic loading from anticipated earthquake, or the design earthquake.
When designing a structure, the types of activities that are necessary for analysis of earthquake design to be perfumed by geotechnical engineer include the following:
o Investigating the site for possibility of liquefaction because it can cause complete loss of soil's shear strength, causing bearing failure, capacity failure, excessive settlement, or slope movement (financial earthquake prevention).
o It is important to calculate the settlement of the structure with anticipated earthquake in mind (financial earthquake prevention).
o It is necessary to check parameters for the foundation to make sure it does not suffer a bearing capacity failure during an earthquake (financial earthquake prevention).
o It is important to analyze any slopes that are on the site since it can impose additional forces during the anticipated earthquake (financial earthquake prevention).
o It is important to investigate the effect of design earthquake on retaining walls (financial earthquake prevention).
o It is wise to investigate other factors that contribute to earthquake effect; such effects include faulting and resonance of the structure (financial earthquake prevention)
o It is necessary to make site improvements and determine the type of foundation to be used to withstand anticipated earthquake. Examples of such might included ground stabilization and ground water control for site improvements and shallow or deep foundation for the type of foundation to be used. (financial earthquake prevention).
o It is vital to assist the structural engineer for the project by investigating the effects ground movements and its effect and the building; also, providing design parameters or suitable structural systems to withstand such displacement (financial earthquake prevention)
Just one single large earthquake can cause damage of more than $100 billion, that's only about twice the loss in the 1994 Northridge earthquake. (Does it still kind of hard to see the financial earthquake prevention? It is, but read the conclusion if you can't wait.) Clearly, our buildings have to be designed and built to withstand such forces as much as possible. But do we, as business professionals, ever think about our "financial earth quakes"? We need to diversify our income source! As a distributor, business developer, and a general contractor, I do just that-diversify my income source. Right now, my construction organization is not experiencing growth of any kind but I have other income sources that I can develop. I do recommend you to visit my website to learn how you can add another source of income-just like I did my financial earthquake prevention...
Paul Peshkov is a general contractor/business developer. As a favorite hobby, Mr. Peshkov is extensively involved in studying alternative medicine. He enjoys helping people reach their full potential in life. For more information on his latest developments visit his website
Earthquakes originate always inside interior of the earth
Earthquakes originate always inside interior of the earth. As was mentioned prior to, the starting point of earthquake is the hypocentre, while the point vertically above the particular hypocentre on the earth's surface is the epicentre.
Viewed globally, the submission of earthquakes is quite uneven. More than half of all earthquakes occurs round the Pacific Ocean, 30 percentage in the tropical marine regions. Many earthquake hypocentres are found likewise in the region of the Mid-Ocean Ridge.
With Europe, shocks occurs primarily in the Alpine area countries, in the Balkans, and so on the Apennine islands. Small shocks are recorded also in certain regions involving Germany, for example, inside Black Forest (Schwarzwald), top of the Rhine basin, the Cheaper Rhine region, and from the Schwabian Jura.
Old mark vii cores and ocean flooring are not primary seismically active regions, the particular young mountain ranges and also steep slopes of seaside lines are. We distinguish between flat plains and basins. When an earthquake hypocentre is located 70 kilometres below the floor, in the case involving basins this figure can be 700 kilometres into the global interior. Basins occur primarily in the Pacific spot, while in the location of the Mediterranean these are rather scarce.
The seismographs register almost 1 million shocks every year, nearly all which is not observed by general population. Around 100 earthquakes reach a great intensity between 6 and 7 on the Richter scale.
An quake measuring over 8 about Richter scale (M) occurs once every 5 to be able to 10 years. Fortunately, almost all earthquakes are smaller. Most of these damage buildings near your epicentre. When an seism over 8 on Richter scale occurs, nonetheless, there is total devastation and many people tend to be killed.
Earthquakes may bring about numerous damage and destruction. Ocean earthquakes near this coast often produce big flood tides called tsunami. The seismic waves travel at great rate across the ocean with out losing its intensity. Whenever they near a coast, these people produce waves of as much as 20 metres, which ruin the coastal regions.
A good earthquake may set down an avalanche. When propane lines and high-voltage electric wires usually are destroyed, this often leads to dangerous fires, which magnifies the range from the catastrophe. For example, throughout 1923, out of an overall total of 99.000 persons, 38.000 were wiped out by fire.
Underground action during an earthquake is one of damaging. As a end result, entire buildings and different structures may collapse. Streets and bridges are dismantled, because strong seismic waves may cause certain kinds of soil to behave since liquids, and as these these sweep away everything in their path. In the actual close proximity to the actual epicentre the movements in the ground may be consequently strong, that objects take flight in the air.
Viewed globally, the submission of earthquakes is quite uneven. More than half of all earthquakes occurs round the Pacific Ocean, 30 percentage in the tropical marine regions. Many earthquake hypocentres are found likewise in the region of the Mid-Ocean Ridge.
With Europe, shocks occurs primarily in the Alpine area countries, in the Balkans, and so on the Apennine islands. Small shocks are recorded also in certain regions involving Germany, for example, inside Black Forest (Schwarzwald), top of the Rhine basin, the Cheaper Rhine region, and from the Schwabian Jura.
Old mark vii cores and ocean flooring are not primary seismically active regions, the particular young mountain ranges and also steep slopes of seaside lines are. We distinguish between flat plains and basins. When an earthquake hypocentre is located 70 kilometres below the floor, in the case involving basins this figure can be 700 kilometres into the global interior. Basins occur primarily in the Pacific spot, while in the location of the Mediterranean these are rather scarce.
The seismographs register almost 1 million shocks every year, nearly all which is not observed by general population. Around 100 earthquakes reach a great intensity between 6 and 7 on the Richter scale.
An quake measuring over 8 about Richter scale (M) occurs once every 5 to be able to 10 years. Fortunately, almost all earthquakes are smaller. Most of these damage buildings near your epicentre. When an seism over 8 on Richter scale occurs, nonetheless, there is total devastation and many people tend to be killed.
Earthquakes may bring about numerous damage and destruction. Ocean earthquakes near this coast often produce big flood tides called tsunami. The seismic waves travel at great rate across the ocean with out losing its intensity. Whenever they near a coast, these people produce waves of as much as 20 metres, which ruin the coastal regions.
A good earthquake may set down an avalanche. When propane lines and high-voltage electric wires usually are destroyed, this often leads to dangerous fires, which magnifies the range from the catastrophe. For example, throughout 1923, out of an overall total of 99.000 persons, 38.000 were wiped out by fire.
Underground action during an earthquake is one of damaging. As a end result, entire buildings and different structures may collapse. Streets and bridges are dismantled, because strong seismic waves may cause certain kinds of soil to behave since liquids, and as these these sweep away everything in their path. In the actual close proximity to the actual epicentre the movements in the ground may be consequently strong, that objects take flight in the air.
Big earthquake in Sikkim
Big earthquake in Sikkim, 18 dead, over 100 injured
Updated: September 19, 2011 08:10 IST
New Delhi: At lowest 18 people have been killed, 13 in India and 5 in Nepal, and also over 100 are injured soon after an earthquake measuring 6.8 on the Richter Scale shook Sikkim this evening. Powerful tremors were also believed in parts of North and East India in addition to parts of Bangladesh along with Nepal, causing widespread stress. The epicentre of quake is said being just 64 kilometres Upper-West of Gangtok.
Seven people, including two Armymen, were killed in Sikkim and 33 others received injuries there. In Bihar, a seven-year-old girll was among two dead. Latehar was one with the worst hit in Asia; two people have perished there and wide cracks are visible on households. Roads also cracked in many places and residents leaped out on the streets. Four more died throughout West Bengal. Of the five people killed in Nepal, three casualties were being reported from Kathmandu, the place that the British embassy collapsed as well as smashed a car.
Tremors were felt inside Lucknow, Patna, Kolkata, New Delhi and the Country wide Capital Region, which sent thousands of people running out of their homes. (Forum: Did you feel the tremors?)
Three aftershocks, associated with magnitude 5.7, 5.1 and 4.5 a dozen were also felt with Sikkim, says the Indian Meteorological Department. (Buzz on Twitter)
Many buildings with Sikkim developed cracks, including the Sikkim Manipal University developing.
The Indo-Tibetan Line Police (ITBP) has released search and rescue functions in the Pegong part of north Sikkim which may be "badly affected." The ITBP rescued 15 dangerous tourists and 150 villagers in their functions. They have been gone after battalion headquarters. Rescue businesses are, however, being hindered by heavy rainfall and also landslides. (Read: ITBP relief 15 tourists, 150 villagers)
Apart from 5 civilians, two Army staff have also died in Sikkim. There has already been extensive damage to Military structures in North Sikkim. The Army shuttle bus, which was missing following the earthquake, has been discovered. All the Armymen in the bus are safe.
Several teams of the National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) are actually rushed to Sikkim in addition to five more teams ended up being sent from Kolkata, Cabinet Secretary Ajit Kumar Seth instructed reporters after a getting together with of top officials with Delhi convened on the actual direction of Prime Pastor Manmohan Singh. The PM has also spoken to be able to Sikkim's Chief Minister Pawan Chamling and presented help. (Read: PM purchases meeting of disaster authority)
The NDRF employees, including 20 doctors, will be in Siliguri to help and also rescue those trapped. Primary Siliguri-Gangtok highway is actually blocked at 25 sites; the Army is looking to open the highway.
Twelve engineer columns are shifting from Siliguri to pay off the four blockages in the actual Siliguri-Gangtok route. Great deal of civilians have been accommodated in Kalimpong in Western side Bengal and other places in Sikkim.
There isn't a electricity in Gangtok as well as Darjeeling. Telephone lines have snapped in some aspects of Sikkim; phone lines usually are congested in West Bengal. (Read: Many damage in Bengal, power provide disrupted)
Five Indian Airforce planes have also recently been pressed into action pertaining to relief operations. Small Military columns in Sikkim are also mobilised post the temblor.
The quake comes only days after an seism of 4.2 size hit Haryana's Sonepat area, sending tremors in Brand-new Delhi. (Read: Sikkim seism is India's fourth this specific September)
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